  • Ph.D. Student Yidong Zhao
  • civil |
  • 2024-02-14 17:12:22|
  • 80
주진현 교수 연구실 박사과정 Yidong Zhao 학생이 2023년 6월 7일 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI)의 Poromechanics Committee가 개최한 국제 학생논문 경진대회에서 1등상을 수상하였습니다. 미국토목학회(ASCE)에서 주최하는 EMI 학술대회는 공학역학 분야 최고 국제학술대회 중 하나로, 주진현 교수 연구실 Yidong Zhao 학생은 "A New Assumed Deformation Gradient Approach to Circumvent Volumetric Locking in Explicit Material Point Methods"라는 논문으로 1등상을 수상하였습니다.

Yidong Zhao, a Ph.D. Student supervised by Prof. Jinhyun Choo, placed 1st in a Student Competition at the Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2023 (EMI 2023) — the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) premier annual mechanics conference. Yidong Zhao and Prof. Jinhyun Choo were awarded the Winner of the 2023 Poromechanics Student Paper Competition for their paper entitled “A New Assumed Deformation Gradient Approach to Circumvent Volumetric Locking in Explicit Material Point Methods.”