- 최준용 박사(지도교수: 김영철) 단국대학교 도시계획·부동산학부 조교수 임용
- civil |
- 2024-02-21 09:33:03|
- 656
우리학과 최준용 박사(지도교수: 김영철)가 단국대학교 도시계획·부동산학부 조교수로 임용 (2024년 03월) 되었습니다. 임용을 축하드립니다.
Dr. Junyong Choi (Advisor: Prof. Youngchul Kim) has been appointed as an assistant professor at the College of Social Sciences, School of Urban Planning and Real Estate, Dankook University. Congratulations on his appointment!
Dr. Junyong Choi (Advisor: Prof. Youngchul Kim) has been appointed as an assistant professor at the College of Social Sciences, School of Urban Planning and Real Estate, Dankook University. Congratulations on his appointment!
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